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Session Information

September 25, 2020
All day


Each year, CASLT hosts a networking event following its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Networking Day is a great opportunity for CASLT members, partners, and second language education stakeholders to share information and ideas. Following the 2020 AGM, CASLT presented its 2020 Networking Day in an online format. The Networking Day featured Networking Mini Meets, facilitated discussions on relevant topics and current issues in language education. Attendees could join one of five Mini Meet breakout groups: Core French, French immersion, modern/international languages, English as a second language, or Indigenous languages. The main theme of the mini meets explored how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted students’ language acquisition and led to innovation in teaching. The final part of the event gathered all participants for a 50th anniversary celebration for CASLT.



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Mini-Meets Summary

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