Professional Learning Events
Level up your teacher practice at our PL events.
We host a wide variety of them every year. Click on an event to learn more or visit our Events Calendar to view upcoming and past events hosted both by us and by community partners.
CASLT Chez-Vous
Have us come to you!
A CASLT Chez-Vous (CCV) is a one- or half-day professional learning session centred on a theme designed by us or based on the expertise of a selected presenter. It can be held in person or virtually. Submit a request to host a CCV for you and your colleagues.
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Virtual Professional Learning Days
Through research and consultations, CASLT has observed that the lack of relevant, targeted professional learning opportunities for L+ teachers across Canada is largely due to a lack of funding, time, and resources (i.e., supply teachers). By offering Virtual PL Days for L+ teachers, CASLT hopes to address this need without significant additional cost to teachers, schools, or school boards. CASLT’s Virtual PL Days provide a platform for teachers to connect with colleagues, engage in interactive professional learning opportunities, and share best practices.
Learn MoreFSL Fundamentals
Reinforcing FSL Teachers’ Confidence and Sense of Self-Efficacy
This project helps FSL teachers find support and a sense of community around FSL teaching. A series of virtual courses will help teachers develop their pedagogical and linguistic knowledge, combat professional isolation, and strengthen their sense of identity and self-efficacy as FSL teachers. The courses are for teachers of K-12 FSL programs across Canada, including Core/Basic French, French Immersion, and Intensive/Extended French.
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PL Resources
Improve your professional practice with our publications.
Purchase resources or download free publications in our boutique.
Connect, Learn, Grow
The CASLT CoLab is an online space designed to support second language educators in their professional journeys. It has two objectives: to support language teachers in building communities of practice and to provide a wide variety of high-quality, asynchronous professional learning content.
Access the CASLT CoLabBecome a Member
CASLT supports its members by creating opportunities for professional development, initiating and disseminating research, and facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among language educators. Memberships start at only $45 per year!
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