Tamara Sorenson Duncan is an assistant professor at Carleton University. Her research focuses on bilingual development in diverse populations. To date, this work has included children from immigrant and refugee backgrounds, children with developmental language disorder, and children with autism spectrum disorder. She is a co-author of numerous publications, including “Academic Achievement in English: Minority Home Language Students in Early French Immersion” (in press) and “How does maternal education influence the linguistic environment supporting bilingual development in child L2 learners of English?” (2020). Tamara has led popular workshops such as “Bilingualism and students with ASD: A world with possibilities” (a webinar for Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority) and “Language development in children from immigrant and refugee backgrounds: What does it look like and why does it matter?” (a webinar for Speech-Language & Audiology Canada). Tamara was also interviewed by CASLT as part of the Languages Build video series.


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