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Session Information

January 22, 2024
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. EST


Social-emotional learning (SEL) purposefully develops students’ social and emotional competencies and supports the development of their executive functioning skills. Executive functioning includes “a set of cognitive skills that are important for the conscious and effortful control of thoughts, actions, and behaviors” (Chung et al., 2022). How can you develop these in the context of the language classroom?

Developing a classroom environment that provides space for students to check in at the beginning of class by reflecting and assessing their emotional state helps them determine their best way to learn and acquire the additional language. Effective routines can provide consistency, stability, and greater learner autonomy. Meeting the social and emotional needs of your students means that they can learn to maintain low affective filters, which helps motivate them to acquire language and develop their additional language competencies.

Participants will learn from a blend of research-based evidence and a variety of practical teaching strategies and routines help them meet the needs of all students. The strategies shared in this workshop will be presented in a French context but can be translated and applied to any language.


Chung, K. K. H., Li, X., Lam, C. B., Fung, W. K., & Liu, C. (2022). What predicts first‐ and second‐language difficulties? Testing language and executive functioning skills as correlates. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 37(2), 85–99. https://doi.org/10.1111/ldrp.12275




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Shauna Néro

Shauna Néro is the Coordinator of the Provincial Network of French Language Teachers and Administrators in British Columbia at the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs at Simon Fraser University. She is also the French Program Coordinator for the Mission School Board. She has taught French Language, Social Studies, and Core French at the high school level and was a Vice-Principal in a dual-track immersion elementary school. With a master’s degree in education from SFU, she applies a plurilingual and pluricultural approach to teaching French in order to meet the linguistic needs of all students. She creates authentic, action-oriented learning experiences to develop students’ essential (transversal), intercultural, and language skills in programs of French as an additional language.

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