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Session Information

September 27, 2023
7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. EDT


FSL Fundamentals: Strengthening Our Community

Virtual Community-Building Events

The main goal of this virtual event series is to strengthen our community through participation in hands-on learning activities that will develop a sense of belonging to a network of French as an additional language teachers. Through a series of five sessions between fall 2023 and spring 2024, we will discover cultural elements specific to the French-speaking world. Each session will be interactive, allowing you to learn about a cultural theme through experiences. You will be able to transfer what you’ve learned to your classroom or simply take advantage of these moments to relax.

We work so hard to meet our students’ needs that we sometimes forget to consider our own emotional needs. Take some time to have fun while making connections, speaking French, and developing your intercultural skills in a relaxed environment.

Session 1: A Journey to the Heart of Street Art in Francophone Regions

In this first session, we’ll discover Google’s « Voyager au cœur du street art » website together and visit places in the French-speaking world to discover street murals. You’ll have the choice to visit two places that interest you the most and to react to the works of art.

Farokhi and Hashemi note that “[t]o work in the arts, students are required to notice carefully, analyze and interpret diverse texts, think critically, pose problems, and make decisions and generate multiple solutions” (2012, p. 924). In this session, we’ll reach for the same objectives by discovering works of art in the streets of French-speaking countries. This session will be a chance to discover art and learn ways to bring it into your classroom.

Reference: Farokhi, M., & Hashemi, M. (2012). The impact/s of using art in English language learning classes. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 31, 923-926. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042811030990




Presenter photo

Coordinator of the Provincial Network for Teachers and Administrators of French Programs at the OFFA-SFU

Shauna Néro

Shauna Néro is the Coordinator of the Provincial Network of French Language Teachers and Administrators in British Columbia at the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs at Simon Fraser University. She is also the French Program Coordinator for the Mission School Board. She has taught French Language, Social Studies, and Core French at the high school level and was a Vice-Principal in a dual-track immersion elementary school. With a master’s degree in education from SFU, she applies a plurilingual and pluricultural approach to teaching French in order to meet the linguistic needs of all students. She creates authentic, action-oriented learning experiences to develop students’ essential (transversal), intercultural, and language skills in programs of French as an additional language.

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